
1337 Ventures


Our team have created insightful reports about the startup ecosystem, Fintech & Insurtech industry that are informative founders, business owners as well as investors. All these resources are for free. 

To download the reports, click on the respective items below to get access. 

Malaysia Insurtech Opportunity Report 2021

Malaysia Fintech Opportunity Report:
Insurtech Outlook 2021/2022

The Insurtech Outlook 2021/2022 report is produced by 1337 Ventures, sponsored by FWD Insurance, and supported by the Fintech Association of Malaysia (FAOM). The report explores the ever-evolving dynamics of Malaysia’s insurance industry, highlighting the state of insurance and insurtech in Malaysia, technology trends and consumer behaviours the industry can tap on, and what the future of insurtech is like for Malaysia.

FINTECH REIMAGINED: Fintech Roundtable Report 2021

To enable Fintech to continue being one of key enablers in the nation’s economy, 1337 Ventures released the report together with Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC).

About 1337 Ventures

We’re a Venture Capital (VC) firm in Malaysia focused on early-stage start-ups, assisting them through every growth phase. We’re always discovering, funding & launching emerging startups.


Check out our blog, we write about insights & stories on the topics of Venture Capital to Startups, Investors & Corporates


Check out the Malaysia Startups List, find out about competitors in your industry or be inspired by new ideas. You can also submit your startups to be listed on Muru-Ku.

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