
1337 Ventures

The Anatomy of A No-Nonsense Pitch Session

The Anatomy of A No-Nonsense Pitch Session 1337 Ventures

As a premier venture capitalist in Malaysia, we at 1337 Ventures have heard and seen hundreds of startups pitch to us and to angel investors. When we think about some pitches and the pitch deck that stood out from the rest, it turns out they seem to share some commonality. 

This is why we’ve put up this article on pitch deck and pitching – to support our local Malaysian startups in order to maximize your chance in winning over your audience when presenting your business.  

Keep your pitch deck short and simple

One of our mantras to a perfect pitch is to keep the pitch duration within 3-5 minutes. This is because, you are simply not going to have your investors attention for long, at least not until they are sold on your idea. Fill your pitch deck with information that is critical – mainly your core messages that are easy and clear for your investors to digest. 

Be passionate 

Your pitch should not put people to sleep, it should actually excite and impress them. Especially with investors who are used to hearing pitches often, you should seek to pique their interest right from the start. Tell them about the story behind why you started your business. Share with them your journey so far and most importantly, what plans do you have for the future. 

 Be mindful of your body language and tonality 

This ties in with the previous point. Your body language and tone of voice is vital during a pitch session, especially when communicating through this digital age. To find out how you sound exactly, record yourself or practice in front of a mirror, or in front of your family and friends to provide feedback. Make sure people want to listen to you, if not all your efforts may be for nothing. 

Show them that you’re solving a problem

Every great company begins with solving an important problem. Explain why the problem you are solving is so important – how does it make it better or more efficient for others. Gather research and statistics or even better, share a real life customer story that shows the problem your product or services has solved. Remember, a well articulated problem statement increases the chance of investors to understand your startup better and want to connect to it.

Adapt Your Pitch To Your Audience

You should have multiple versions of your pitch deck according to the audience. Are they B2C, B2B, an investor or a retailer? All of them are going to look at your idea very differently, therefore, it is extremely important to put yourself in their shoes and understand their worldview. Once you’ve done your research, align your value proposition with the people you will be pitching to. 

Do you think you are ready to pitch? By participating at our Pitch Tuesday sessions, 1337 Ventures will prepare you for investor pitches, plus you might even gain access to our team and tools to take your business to the next level. Start your journey today at https://1337.ventures/pitch-tuesday/

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